Tra circa 3 settimane si terrà a Milano la V edizione del Social Business Forum; appuntamento certamente da non mancare (devo dire che io ho perso solo un’edizione) sempre più ricco di interventi, relatori e temi interessanti; grazie agli organizzatori che anche quest’anno mi hanno invitato con un Free Pass a partecipare dovrei contribuire con un’intervista ad Esteban Kolsky, fondatore di ThinkJar, uno dei consulenti e autorevoli esperti di Social Crm che anche quest’anno parteciperà al Social Business Forum;
In attesa di ricevere le risposte, ecco le domande che ho rivolto ad Esteban, per un’intervista strutturata in 4 fasi:
4 stages for an interview:
1. Warm-up
a- First of all, how would you introduce yourself to Italian audience? Which is the most confortable definition you fit in? This is your self-introduction space..
b- There are a plethora of definitons for “Social CRM”; which is yours? In particular, what are the concepta and meanings would you like to stress? Is this definiton (or concept) being changed or evolved lately?
2. Preliminary Stages
a- How do you evaluate the Social Crm readiness or maturity of a Company?
b- According to your experience, which factors are the most important to assess the ground? Are there any weak or strong signals are you looking for?
c- Many times it has been told about the importance to find out a champion, an internal Sponsor; in your opinion is this mandatory?
d- If yes, where and how could we find such a person? Which prerequisites for a success Candidate?
e- What is the biggest mistake a Company can do when deciding to start a social Crm initiative?
3. Organizational Impact & Execution
a- What are the approaches and the instruments needed to destroy and erase the inter- company silos? Are there any best practices would you suggest about that?
b- Could you tell us some Case Studies or Best Practices about the Social CRM adoption?
c- How long could the Social CRM adoption could last? From Which factors does it depend on?
Looking through this model: the Experience Model loop
d- In your experience which are the most obstacles to create e seamless loop between internal and external operations? Could you suggest some practical advices?
Metrics & ROI:
a- In the Social CRM perspective, The old Life time customer Value Concept and Metric is still valuable? Can it still be considered someway to yustify the Social CRm Project efforts?
b- In general, how would you identify, share and get approved the metrics for Social CRM within a Company?
c. Could we identify some Social CRM metrics according to Company size, industry, context, culture, etc.?
d- Many companies are struggling to identify and measure Social Media ROI; which is your point of view?
A volte un’intervista dipende più dalle domande che dalle risposte :).. Queste mie come vi sono sembrate?
Questo è in realtà un framework che utilizzo (in parte) come traccia di discussione preliminare con alcuni miei clienti che sono interessati al Social CRM e al Social Business..
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